NaXum Reviews: Automation VS Suggestion, When To Use Technology For Each – Replay – Naxum

NaXum Reviews: Automation VS Suggestion, When To Use Technology For Each – Replay

Posted by naxumadmin / May 23, 2021

Naxum reviews the power of using automation in your marketing messages vs prompts ‘suggesting’ your promoter take actions.



Transcription below:

Ben Dixon:

… Two… All right. Well, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the NaXum reviews webinar on automation versus suggestion.

I’m so excited about having our guests here with me today. Mr. Chris Scappatura, I have known for years.

Chris was a client of NaXum way in the past, and is a master at selling in front of a room, and actually closing a room.

And has worked for companies that use the internet marketing strategies, and internet marketing philosophies to build their business,
and has worked with direct selling companies that use groups of distributors to sell their business.

So today, Chris and I work together at NaXum, and I thought it’d be perfect to have him on the line here today, as we jump to the topic.

Chris, thanks for being here today.

Chris Scappatura:

Oh, my pleasure. Looking forward to this.

Ben Dixon:

Well, this is a fun one, because you think about, let’s define automation versus suggestion here for everybody who’s watching, when you’re designing your systems for your referral marketing company, or direct sales company, or MLM company, or party plan company, automation are the things that you do without the direct salesperson, the promoter taking any action.

So an auto responder, a email trigger, any of those things that go out, a chat bot, any of those things that happen automatically.

And then suggestion is where instead of you going right to the end customer, right to the end member and just pinging them with whatever that communication is.

Suggestion is when you go to the person who referred them to the promoter, and suggestion is when you send them a little ping that says, “Hey, you should probably take a certain action with so-and-so in this moment.”

Ben Dixon:

And we do that for a reason. Suggestion is a very important part, and we call it predictive action science here at NaXum today, but suggestion is a critical part of any design in any system, because that’s why we have referral agents.

Chris, talk about some of the goals of an internet marketing company when they don’t have referral agents. They don’t have them.

Chris Scappatura:

Not at all.

Ben Dixon:

So how did they design… Not at all right. And you’ve worked with some in the past, how do they think about tools and marketing communication, and how to set it all up?

Chris Scappatura:

Yep. Well, I’m thinking of one in particular because it was quite prosperous.

We did very, very well with it, and it was just literally a sequence of emails that went out, and we just… Always closing, always closing. Always be closing, always be closing. And the whole point was to get them to close, and click and buy. And that was it.

There was no real human intervention until, sometimes the very end, or a very high ticket item. But essentially it was all automated with decision trees, and maybe some things people don’t know what we’re talking about…

Ben Dixon:

Triggers that would cause different messages is a decision tree, yeah.

Chris Scappatura:

Yes, no, maybe. Whatever they did. And that was essentially what we did in that engine. It was just a numbers game. You were really just pouring… If we get 50,000 people, 5,000, will do this. 1000, will do that. And 10 will buy, which is a funnel.

Ben Dixon:

So everyone, I hope you hear that because that’s the difference between internet marketing, and referral marketing, and direct sales.

50,000 people on this end of the funnel, if it’s only automated technology, we’re using, comes into this pool of 5,000 people, and it’s only automated technology. Put 100 people and only automated technology, now these 10 people buy this package.

What I am going to share, and many of you may already know this, but some of you don’t. Is that the big blessing of network marketing, referral marketing, party plan, affiliate marketing is because of the relationship, and the trust that the referral agent is bringing to the table when they’re sharing your message.

So it’s like Stephen Covey Jr’s book, Speed Of Trust. So it’s trust, because of the trust they’re bringing to the table that trust makes those numbers better.

Ben Dixon:

Whatever the input is, if it’s 50,000 on the front end to get 100 buyers in the backend, in a traditional internet marketing world with triggers, and decision trees and automated email sequences.

We want to take that same number of… “Hey, if we truly touched 50,000 people, how could we get, not 100 to buy. How could we get a thousand to buy, or 5,000 to buy or 10,000 to buy?

How could we take just 20% of the people that we say hello to, and have them make a purchase?” That’s what’s possible when you add the human.

Chris Scappatura:

Oh, and human equals trust. Because the thing that I found about the public is, they are somewhat intuitive to what we do now, as internet marketers.

They know that’s a bot, some don’t, granted. And maybe you and I are in a little bubble in the world, but there’s a good number of people who go, this is just a bot.

This is just the sequence. Now we can get super fancy and change it up a bit. So people, they need to trust. They need to know there’s human here. And the minute they know that… I know that personally, and you can smell it. And I’m like, “Okay, there’s a human here. Let’s do this.” I get on a website, and all of a sudden there’s that pop up? “Hey, I’m here to chat.” Well, in many cases, in the olden days, that was someone who would have their phone, they’d be on the golf course, remember?

Ben Dixon:


Chris Scappatura:

And they’d sit there and answer the question right away. But now they’ve created bots for that even, but I was a better… Well, in some ways it was a bit better because you had the human, I would say. But yeah, there’s a lot to be said for having humans there.

Ben Dixon:

And everyone hear that. Human equals trust, that’s it. That’s why we do referral marketing.

Now I know why we do it for a marketing, of course, is is that we choose to line the pockets of our greatest fans as promoters, instead of lining the pockets of Google and Facebook.

But it’s also, we do it because of the trust it brings to the table. It shortens the sales cycle. It shortens the amount of exposures needed, because we get the leverage, the relationship and the trust that each person has with their circle of influence when they start sharing your products and services with them.

So let’s jump into some real examples. Let’s go through some real ones that traditionally are just fully automated. And let’s talk about what human suggestions you can put in. Cause this gets fun.

Let’s start with something really simple, like a brand new customer enrolling.

Ben Dixon:

So brand new customer enrolls in your system. Ideally, you’re going to send out a receipt, your automated system.

We’re not going to force your promoters to sit there and manually send receipts after someone signs up.

We’re all laughing and chuckling, because duh, we’re not going to have our 1099 people be responsible for sending receipts.

Chris Scappatura:

Customer receipts, remember those days?

Ben Dixon:

Oh my Lord. I actually… In my first direct sales company and Chris left, but there was no online order system.

I did triplicate fax forms, and I’m not that old. But I had to do the triplicate fax form. And you’d go, thanks for signing, sir. And you’d hand them their part. And then you’d put one part in your file folder. And then the third part you’d stick in the fax machine. And then once it was through you’d shred it.

I did that, the first five figure day I had in direct sales was off orders that were on a triplicate fax form.

Chris Scappatura:

Yeah. Oh, I remember that stuff. I remember when they got… Well, I’m older than you by far. So I remember when there was just… We got rid of the carbon paper.

Ben Dixon:

Yeah. Oh my [crosstalk 00:07:28].

Chris Scappatura:

I’m going back a lot further than you.

Ben Dixon

There’s the fingers. So we all know we should automate sending the customer a receipt, but what else do we automate first, before we talk about what we suggest? We might automate to a new customer in autoresponder.

You might set some expectations for them, like, “Hey, your product’s going to arrive in X number of days. Here’s the tracking number.” And then what I like to do is put in a trigger where six days later, seven days later, we go ahead and say, “Hey, give us your feedback. What did you like? Hey, by the way, if you post a picture of yourself using this skin serum with hashtag, our company name, we give away a $50 gift card every month to customers that have great stories.” And so now you’ve got the retail customer sharing a picture of themselves with the skin serum in the picture. You have a little experience flow for the customer.

Chris Scappatura:

Let’s take a quick second. You just threw a piece of gold out there. And I want everybody to be listening, a $50 gift card. And again, everything is relative.

Maybe some of the people on this call are like, “$50? Who would want $50?” Trust me, your customers would want $50. There was… For a very long period of my life I was selling a product.

Now, that was significantly more money, was tens of thousands of dollars. Well, actually it was… $10,875 was the exact number. But I could close that sale and get a customer for life by throwing in an item that costs me $25, 25 to $50.

Ben Dixon:

25 bucks.

Chris Scappatura:


And that goes back to what we call the football phone, remember Sports Illustrated? So don’t glaze over that $50 gift card as an enticement, because a number of people will go for it. And make it internal. And make it something that they have to… It’s an internal card.

Don’t give them an Amazon.. well you could if you wanted Amazon or some other company. But the point is, if it’s internal…

Ben Dixon:

Money comes back. Yep.

Chris Scappatura:


Ben Dixon:

And there’s big case studies. We can share some company names here, Beachbody and the direct sales MLM space.

Beachbody, once they got past the 200, some million in revenue mark, on their march to 480 million in revenue, they did the $1,000 in cash a day give away.

So when you bought Beachbody’s programs on TV, they are a network marketing MLM company.

Even though they don’t say that today. There are multiple levels of compensation in their affiliate program. But if you were a retail customer there, they would say, “Hey, share your before and after pictures for a chance to win a thousand bucks a day.” They would pick one winner every day.

So here’s a company doing $400 million a year. And what are they spending? 30,000, 31,000 bucks a month, on getting all this testimonial publicity from all their rating customers by just offering a thousand bucks a day.

Ben Dixon:

But let’s talk about the human touch.

Where are the triggers now in your email autoresponder sequence, or your predictive action sequence in an app for the sales person to get involved?

Well, the first natural one would be, “Hey, congratulations, you got a new customer.” Okay. That’s cool. But no, give them some instruction. Give them the instruction gang of what to do with that new customer. “Hey, send them a personal note about blank, or call them and ask them their goal with the products they purchased.”

One of the most powerful things a human can do, is by calling and asking that person their goal, they can then follow up on that goal later. And don’t end a new customer relationship and direct sales with just that one-off notification. A lot of people miss this.

One of the things you want to do on day 8, on day 14, on day 30 is in that same autoresponder sequence you have, that’s going out, following up with the new retail customer.

Ben Dixon:

Put triggers in that sequence that go upline to the gal who made the sale, to the guy who made the sale, with other touch points. So one of my favorite…

Chris, will you share one of your favorites? One of my favorites is then calling back those eight days later after the person’s gotten the box, they tasted the juice the first time, they made the first protein shake, whatever it was. And it’s that call that’s just like, “Hey, how was it?” Because it’s that personal touch of getting them to use it.

The worst thing that can happen is the product arrives where the internet service is subscribed to, and the customer doesn’t open it yet. We do not want customers that don’t even open the product or experience it.

What about on your side?

Chris Scappatura:

Yeah and that’s true because…

Ben Dixon:

Yeah, go ahead.

Chris Scappatura:

Were not in…

Well, some people are in it for the money. I get that. But what I’m referring to is, you don’t want just that money. Let’s be ruthless for a second here. You don’t just want that money. If you’ve got a customer who doesn’t decide to use the product, and it happens so often. They buy it and they move on, or they change their focus.

By you being with them and giving them the extra… because now there’s this accountability within their mind.

There’s a lot of psychology that goes into reaching out and making that initial touch. And boy, I love the idea of you saying, “So tell me about your goals.”

That’s a key one, because then we can do an open loop. So as speakers, as salespeople, one of the things we do is an open loop.

Chris Scappatura:

We leave something unfinished that I can follow up with on you. So, “Hey, Ben, was real good chatting with you. I’m really excited about your goals.

What I’m going to do is I’ll make a note in my calendar to give you a call back in two weeks, just to see how you’re doing with your goals.” And they’re not going to go. “No, no, no. You can’t call me.”… “Oh, thanks for checking. That’d be great if you could check in.”

Put it into your calendar, but whatever you’re doing… And the other word that you used that I want to play on is the number of touches.

It used to be… Four, five, six, seven years ago, it was five, six touches. Now they’re 10, 15 touches in order to get people to move. So not only the sale, but the repeat sale and the action that we need.

Chris Scappatura:

So getting into testimonials, by the way, with Beachbody, I do have the Insanity and the P90X t-shirt. Well, they’re somewhere in the house. I sent in my pictures after each of those.

But those testimonials, they’re the cornerstone of your business.

And the only way you get those is by building the relationship, by having communication with these people, and getting them to understand the value that you are entrusting with them in the business, “Do you really like what I’m doing?”, “Awesome. I appreciate that. I’ll check in with you in two weeks.” “Hey, how’s it going?” “Oh, I’m still loving it.” “Great. Could you take a few minutes now?” don’t ask for a testimony on the first call, but plant the seeds of, “Are you loving it?” “Great. I’ll catch up with you in a week or two.”

Chris Scappatura:

Sometimes it could be through a simple text message. It could be through an email, but touch, touch, touch, touch, touch. And then when it’s appropriate, “Hey, I could really use your… You’re loving the product so much.

You just love what you’re doing with this. Can I get a testimonial that I can put on the front of my…” Whatever it’s going to be.

Ben Dixon:

There’s a big why behind what Chris is sharing here I don’t want everybody to miss. And it’s a keyword we talk about marketing all the time, but a lot of people forget about it, and you have to think about it right now.

What’s the most expensive customer to attain? The next one, the new one. It’s so much cheaper to just keep a relationship, and maintain a relationship, and sell more to that same customer.

Chris is talking about what’s called lifetime value of a customer. He’s saying don’t discount your lifetime value score to that first purchase.

Think bigger, think about, “Okay, this person bought this today, but they’re going to be buying over the next six months, the next 12 months.

They’re going to be participating at this bigger, deeper level.” So, so how do I architect that open loop so that I have permission.

Ben Dixon:

So if you got their goal in month one, and you followed up 14 weeks in, and then they don’t place an order in month two. It’s a simple call back to be like, “Hey, did you… You set your goal and you haven’t achieved it yet. Do you need any help with your order this month?” That kind of stuff is super helpful. You got to be thinking big lifetime value, big.

Chris Scappatura:

Let me go back on that. And then the expression used to say, we taught them how to spend money with us already. So it’s easier for them to do it again. You don’t have to go through all that pretext.

They already know how to take their credit card and make an investment with us. So how do we make them understand that that’s something worthy of a repeat? Because we would do that, we this one product that was going up, believe it or not, it was $5,000 for just a weekend.

But we had five different products that we would sell independent from weekend to weekend. And so our job was always to get people to come to the first event. And then, “Hey, you need the second event.” And became easier as they become more accustomed to who we were. And we built a relationship.

We taught them at the beginning how to invest with us. And then we just have to ask for the reinvestment.

Ben Dixon:

Yep. Now on these same concepts that come to a new customer’s journey, what you people call onboarding, also happen in a new promoters journey.

So whether you call them influencers, ambassadors, IBO’s, consultants, representatives, stylists, whatever name you tag to the independent people that actually promote your company.

Let’s talk about their journey for a moment. Automated, non-automated, and what you do in that journey. So these people start a new promoter kit. You get a welcome email. Right back in. Don’t just trigger automated communication to them. Get that suggested actions sent up to the upline person as well. And this can be, not only triggers when they’re rank advancing, but little action triggers when they get badges.

One of the coolest things we did the last three years that I love, is that we created a series of over a hundred action badges.

So people are taking their first actions, like syncing their contacts to your company’s apps and sending out their first 10 invites, getting their first 10 people to the company webinar, getting the first 10 people to the landing page to claim a sample of the product. They’re popping off these badges.

Ben Dixon:

Now that’s automated. That’s automated stuff. They’re there using the app. It’s a brand new promoter and, “Oh yeah, I got the 10 person webinar badge.” What’s not automated, and what’s cool is the sponsor, the person who enrolled in seeing that, and then recognizing them, sending them a personal text.

That’s like, “Dang, Julie, you’ve been here four days, and you’ve already gotten your 50th person to the webinar. You are unstoppable.” And those authentic comments make all the difference in the world.

One key piece that gets missed a lot, Chris, speak to this too, is in onboarding companies will do a welcome email, and they’ll set expectations but they need to chunk the expectations.

So one of the things we teach clients at NaXum all the time is to create three core videos at a minimum, when you’re creating your onboarding campaign. We create what’s called a 24 hour plan of action, a 7 day plan of action, and a 30 day plan of action.

Ben Dixon:

And at the highest level 24 plan of action is a short piece of content less than five minutes long, that’s meant to explain and articulate what you should do in your first 24 hours as a promoter.

Day two, you should watch your seven day plan of action of what you should do the next six days as a promoter.

Day eight, you should watch your 30 day plan of action, and what’s expected of you your first 30 days as a promoter.

These are the minimums we ask people to do on launch.

Now, yes, you can have automated auto responders following up with someone and saying, “Did you watch the 24 hour plan of action?” “Did you watch a seven day plan of action?” “Did you watch the 30 day…”

Ben Dixon:

But how much more powerful will it be if there are steps within the 24, within the 7, within the 30, where the upline person, the person who enrolled them is prompted to engage with them in some fashion, whether it’s walking through your warm list, whether it’s reading your why, and going through your personal goals, whether it’s a simple drill on practicing handling objections together, whatever those things are, critical.

So Chris, when you’re seeing people put together on boarding, I know you got to go through experience a bit of onboarding and a previous life.

What are some of the suggestions to the upline folks that you’re like, “Hey, you really got to consider putting that into your series as you’re designing that.”

Chris Scappatura:

It’s interesting. You hit the majority of them. And to me it became the psychology, again, as a business owner, because that’s what you would become once you’re in this for the business side of it.

The psychology of all of what you said becomes critical, because you have to understand who you were then back at that point.

Now, a lot of you who are going to be successful were self-made, in a sense you did it despite the person who was your sponsor. And I get that.

Ben Dixon:


Chris Scappatura:

I’ve been there, done that. But you also know the value in what Ben just said, for those of you who have not experienced it, or who might have. So making sure that this becomes part of the routine is critical to all components of the team.

And so within 24 hours… The last organization that I was actually a customer in, none of this came to me. And so it was… Not only was it frustrating, it was foggy. And to that point, it was difficult to go into the community and say, “I know what I’m doing. I’m ready, let’s do this.”

But to answer your point, Ben, I think the first 24 hours, and first 7 are the most critical. If I was going to have any interaction from above, it’s that because there’s such…

Suggest straight sales, buyers remorse happens in the first 24 hours, always. Whenever I would hand somebody the pen, when we were live, I would say, “By the way, on the way home on the plane, you’re going to have buyer’s remorse. But I just wanted to let you know that it’s coming so that we can deal with it right now.”

Chris Scappatura:

And so that first 24 hours you have to prep yourself for the person because they will, their parents are going to tell them, their spouse is going to tell them, their smart neighbor Is going to tell them that they’re a fool.

Somebody is going to do that. And so I think that first 24 hours is the one that you need to be most diligent about making sure that you’ve got that system in place on how you’re either going to touch them, with whatever method. And then the seven is where true hope comes.

So buyers remorse for me, was always in the first 24 hours. And hope and future thinking was in the first seven days. Go ahead.

Ben Dixon:

Well, no, you just have it. It’s getting to goal setting. And then more than goal setting today, what we teach all the time is getting into a daily level of activity.

Is designing your systems in a way where people aren’t just setting long-term goals, but they’re just simply committing to a daily level of activity. Now I look at weight loss, good example. A bunch of my clients sell weight loss products.

Chris, on the last two pregnancies my wife had for our two daughters, I gained just as much weight as my wife, in both.

Chris Scappatura:

Yes, I know. I hear that.

Ben Dixon:

And I needed to get rid of that weight. It was grilling too much, and enjoying too much rice, and broths and carbs. And I did it, this summer pregnancies, summer weight, boom.

I didn’t have the summer body, I was adding to my summer body. And I had to use an app that gave me a daily goal.

I use the Underarmour’s, My Fitness Pal that would help me track what I was putting into my mouth.

So that every day I would just track what I was putting into my mouth.

Ben Dixon:

And when I set my goal, I would track it. I would just start accounting for it. And just the accounting for it, the weight came off in my [inaudible 00:23:21].

And yes, I get lots of great products from our clients at NaXum, and that’s been phenomenal to assist me in my diet.

But it was also the tracking of that daily activity. And one of the key things where we take that even further is helping people set a daily level of activity and committing to it. And then those are little wins, when you commit to a daily activity and you just do that every day. “Now I’m winning. I’m doing my program. I’m set to myself.”

Chris Scappatura:

One quick thing on that, stop trying to make a million dollars and just make three calls.

Ben Dixon:


Chris Scappatura:

It really comes down to that. I remember having a coach one day, so how much money do you want to make? And I said, “A million dollars.” He goes, “How?” And I’m like, “Well…” He says, “Why don’t you just make three calls, just make another three calls.” And so you’re right. Just have a system that’s going to set you up for success every day. And then as that success grows, and as the money begins to flow, then you readjust those goals.

You might even go in and change to, “Okay. I think I’ll make five calls today. I think I’ll call seven people. I’ll do 20 people. I can do…” But just be comfortable biting off, how do you eat… How would [inaudible 00:24:29] say, how do you-

Ben Dixon:

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. And this is good because you have to hear this. Many of the direct sales companies are missing this all together.

They’re not even in to suggesting anything to the reps. They’re hoping reps go look at a report. And because of the great training, they can look at these numbers of volumes and levels, and somehow understand and articulate that they should go follow up with Juliane in Oklahoma. And it’s like, how much training time is it going to take to make that leap? I propose too much.

Chris, you said something earlier about those who won in spite of their sponsor, or who didn’t have a sponsor.

I was one of those blessed people when I was 18 years old, I had a sponsor who gave a care, who gave a rip.

Ben Dixon:

Sat there, the poor guy is my brother-in-law. He listened to me make phone calls, horribly, for 10 months, making $0. And then month 11 clicked. Then I think month 13 was my first five figure month. Had six figures in my second year in business, not my first. And it changed my life forever. And so I’m forever grateful that I had the sponsor who didn’t give up on me, that put in the time to make it all work.

But to your point, the whole reason we’re talking about automation, suggestion, technology is because we can’t count on sponsors being good sponsors.

We can’t count on that being the experience a promoter has, is that well, because of our brilliant training platform, everybody who comes in our door that joins us as a promoter’s going to have a great experience with their wonderful accolade sponsor.

Who’s going to do the right thing, always. They’re not.

Ben Dixon:

And so it’s time that we take technology, and we don’t replace the human experience.

That’s what we’re talking about here, but we create a specific level of experience of, “Hey, at a minimum, it should feel like this when you’re onboarded in our organization.” “Hey, at a minimum, you can expect this to be our culture.” It’s like what Ben Horwitz says, “Culture is not what you say. It’s what you do.”

So you design your systems to do your desired outcome. And then we’re in there. Because some direct selling companies do so little automation, they fall on just hoping the reps will follow up with everything. And I hope what people are hearing today is you need both, this is not a war.

It’s not automation or suggestion. It’s go look at your processes of enrolling a new customer. Go look at your processes of enrolling a new promoter. Go look at your receipt process on reorders.

Ben Dixon:

Go look at what happens when people don’t buy. When they go to your website, fill out a form on the landing page and don’t check out.

Look at what happens when they purchase from you, and then their auto-ship fails 30 days later. And then they don’t reorder by 36 days after you sent them those four billing email reminders. Yeah.

That’s when you send a suggestion to the sponsor to follow up, “Hey, we’ll get someone who rank advances or someone who’s close to rank advancing, is we got to create a world now. And if you don’t, your competitors are.

So that’s the word everybody here… If you want to know what your competitors are doing, they’re creating systems that don’t count on success being that the field leaders know how to read the dashboard, or they know how to read the enrollment tree, and understand who they should be following up with for rank advancements.

But creating systems that are smart enough that focus you in on, like you just said, how do you make a million dollars? Go make three calls.

Ben Dixon:

Well, how do we display to them using technology? Some of the projects we’ve executed on, we’ve limited their whole view in an app to say, “These are your top three actions. Go take these three.” We don’t show them the gargantuan amounts of data or other things going on in the background.

We just say, “These are your top three, go do one.” And once they do one and there’s two left, we replace it. There’s always three. It’s not like they run out.

There’s no lack of things you need to do to grow your direct sales company. But we’ve literally taken this to a level with predictive algorithms, where we’re just constantly showing them these are your top three actions in this moment. These are your top three actions.

Ben Dixon:

So that the moment they give you the attention, which is the most expensive thing we’ve been talking about, the promoters.

The moment they’re paying attention, whether they’re sitting in their Nissan Rogue, while their kids finish up piano lessons or whatever they’re doing, where they got those 15 minutes.

That we’ve built systems, so instead of them dinking around on Netflix or Facebook in those 15 minutes, that they’ll at least plug in and go build their business for 15 minutes.

That’s the heart and intention in this discussion, and it’s to start having this conversation.

Chris, what would you say to the people who are watching the maximum reviews call, and want to learn more? What would be your next step for people who are trying to sell [inaudible 00:29:15]?

Chris Scappatura:

I’d be real excited to get on a call and have a conversation with them again. And here we are in the sales, we’re going to be fully transparent. And this is exactly what you need to do.

If you want to discover it for yourself, get in touch with us. Because I’ll tell you, when I met Ben and I was a client, I kept watching this and it was fascinating to me, the predictive component of it.

My background in electronic data processing, which is all geeky stuff. But when he opened up the curtain, when I came and joined him and I could see the work that they do in order to have the brain trust in the palm of the hand of that new person, that’s what blew me away.

Chris Scappatura:

And the best way for us to do that is it’s 20, 30 minutes.

We can go through it on a demonstration. And it’ll just blow your mind because there’s this one screen in particular that always sticks out, Ben, when we’re doing demonstrations, and it’s that one where we’re showing all of the data that we gather from the brain trust, and it all sits in the palm of your new person’s hand.

That was to be the deciding factor on why I think that this is so fantastic. There it is right there.

Ben Dixon:

Yeah, exactly. Just limiting the person’s view to just saying, “Hey, these are your top three actions.” And when they go tap the take an action, suggesting what they say next.

Doing the work, not to just create bots in your world, but to act like you’re a field leader sitting next to the newest person on the team, suggesting what they say next.

Chris Scappatura:

And this is drilled down on your leaders. This isn’t us coming up with language when we have the processing component to it. But it’s all the dialogue.

It’s phenomenal. And then what that does as a leader, so as an executive in this one company I was involved with, I wasn’t fearful of the language.

Is it the language… is it going to be good, is the language is going to be correct? There’s no doubt that it will be, because you’ve created it.

Ben Dixon:

And that’s how you have a compliant culture, is if you give people enough good stuff to share that’s compliant in the marketplace, as long as it converts, as long as you give them messaging that actually gets them sales, they’ll use it.

Some of you complained, some of you say, “Ah, we’re putting together all these systems and our reps are still posting non-compliance stuff on social media.” Well, have you seen the stuff you gave them the use in social media? It’s not getting them customers. So you might want to check.

Chris Scappatura:

Here’s the plug, you can get rid of most of your compliant department.

Ben Dixon:


Chris Scappatura:

If, yes. So call us up. So think about this, if you’re investing 20, 30, 40, $50,000 per compliant officer in your company, I’m not saying you get rid of all of them because people are still going to do what they do.

But imagine that you have the ability to control that experience, and it feels native. So nobody can complain down the line saying, “Oh, what, but it doesn’t post correctly.”

We have the capacity to make it be native. So it definitely… Gives us a call, reach out to us, we’d love to get you on a 20, 30 minute demo.

Ben Dixon:


Chris, thank you so much for being on here today. Thank you for your time. It’s a pleasure as always. And thank you everybody for listening in on the live webinar, as you’re participating from literally everywhere.

What’s fun about predictive action suggestions as we go, it’s not a guinea pig of a science anymore. There’s over two dozen out of the…

We have dozens and dozens of clients at NaXum, And two dozen of them have already implemented predictive actions across their culture.

Some in as many as 17 languages across the space, as of the filming of this. So think about that for a moment. When you say, “Holy cow, so you mean my competitors are already doing this stuff?” Yes, they are.

Your competitors are already doing this stuff. So any of this stuff was like eureka to you today, you didn’t even know it existed. We should be talking.

So, Chris, thank you for being here today. Thank you everybody for watching. We’ll talk with you soon. All right, bye for now.

BEN DIXON Chief Executive Officer

Ben Dixon is the CEO of the referral marketing technology company and works with companies spanning the globe in mlm, direct sales, and affiliate marketing. For more information on Gamification and using real-time notifications to engage your affiliates in the sales process create your FREE NaXum account.

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