MLM A Franchise?

Posted by naxumadmin / December 29, 2017

Duplication – a mysterious word in the direct selling (MLM) industry and a daily topic discussed by every MLM Chief Marketing Officer and their owners. How do we create duplication amongst our distributor base? How do we create systems which promote duplication? How do we build a story around our amazing product which enables our distributors to easily share? How come 70% of all our distributors are quitting? How come other companies are growing faster then we are, yet we have a better product and pay plan than they do?

We hear these questions all the time and our company strives, help our clients create real duplication. Let’s talk deeper about duplication.

Duplication is the creation of a system which anyone, no matter what their educational background, age, race, or cultural makeup can simply be taught, and quickly adapt to – enabling the creation of MORE. More distributors, more growth, more success, more happiness, more testimonials, better communication, and ultimately, more sales and money.

image2Duplication is a struggle of every direct selling company. But WHY? McDonald’s doesn’t struggle with it. Neither does Taco Bell, Chic Filet OR the ever-growing Franchise world. In fact, all of these business models are built on the very foundation of duplication. Providing the exact, and proven system to run a successful business, it can easily be duplicated to other business owners. It’s really that simple – so what is the challenge in MLM and Direct Selling?

The answer is pretty straightforward when you really look at the foundation of a majority of MLM companies. Each McDonald’s branches use the same system. No matter which McDonald’s branch you go, the menu is the same, and their products taste the EXACT same!

This is NOT the case in MLM where the diversity of leadership creates confusion. In any MLM you will find dozens, if not hundreds of leaders promoting a cluster of different marketing tools and systems. Having systems is good, but not good enough. The basic challenge is this – the distributor base has multiple leaders who are all doing something different! Duplication is not attained globally due to the DIFFERENT ways the business is being built. When new distributors join, they are overwhelmed by the different systems presented to them, and they begin the day one with mass confusion. They are excited, but are overwhelmed by the different ‘systems of success’ presented to them – and they shut down; many are quitting on their first month, and we know from experience that confusion never leads to duplication.


A point of clarification. It’s okay to have
many different prospecting and follow up
tools for your distributors to pick from. Since
MLM draws people from all walks of life, you
need to provide a treasure chest of tools so
each distributor can pick which ones they feel
most comfortable using when prospecting and
following up.


It’s NOT okay to have multiple SYSTEMS. It’s also not okay for your distributors to go to various different companies to get all the tools and systems they need to be successful.
The key to the art of duplication is INTEGRATION. defines INTEGRATION as… The act of combining or adding parts to make a unified whole.

image1ONE foundational, fully INTEGRATED system in which EVERY single person in your company is using day in and day out. The SAME system and this is key – ONE fully INTEGRATED system. This way, everyone is on the same page, including your corporate EXECUTIVES, your MASTER DISTRIBUTORS, your PART TIME distributors, your PREFERRED customers, your corporate SUPPORT staff – EVERYONE should use the same system as foundational access to each part of your corporate MLM.

Our company has created this exact type system.
A powerful system of ONE – we call UNIFY!

Unify enables you to create ONE complete company system. ONE system that is fully integrated with EVERY marketing tool and every corporate tool needed to run your company. ONE virtual, mobile office lit up in a private cloud where your entire company gathers to all build the business together. This not only creates REAL duplication, it also creates a UNIFIED company, which builds on a real foundation of solid, long-term growth!

We invite you to take a moment to learn more about UNIFY and schedule a demo.

BEN DIXON Chief Executive Officer

Ben Dixon is the CEO of the referral marketing technology company and works with companies spanning the globe in mlm, direct sales, and affiliate marketing. For more information on Gamification and using real-time notifications to engage your affiliates in the sales process create your FREE NaXum account.

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