Posted by naxumadmin / February 6, 2018

Wow, what a game, this Sunday the highly favored New England Patriots were defeated by the Philadelphia Eagles.

If you missed our episode on the #MLMMonday show on the topic, you can watch it here: Episode 33

As we enjoyed food(our families highest priority on Super Bowl Sunday) and played games with the kids, an interesting epic unfolded on the big screen.

The Patriots have plenty of “superstars” on the team. So when the Eagles were knocking out the basics of football, no one was worried. Folks like Tom Brady can strike and pull massive wins out of insurmountable situations as evidenced by last year’s win against the Atlanta Falcons.

What we saw Sunday though was something totally different. It wasn’t the team that counted on it’s few superstars for the victory that won, it was the team where everyone did the basic mechanics right, over and over again that took home the prize.

In referral marketing, whether you’re in direct sales, MLM, or party plan, growing a group and creating massive sales volume is not just about two or three superstars. It’s about the masses of the team being able to and executing on the basics of the business every day.

In Football this is running, passing, first downs, and scoring goals. 
In referral marketing, this is sharing, presenting, enrolling, elevating, and duplicating. 

The acronym we like to use is the word S.P.E.E.D. 

The reason we use the word S.P.E.E.D.  is that each step is as important as the other and whichever one you’re the weakest at will be the throttle on your growth and success.

Getting good at Sharing is just like running the ball or throwing a pass. Successful presenting is like the first downs of referral marketing. Enrolling others is like scoring points. It’s the basics of what it takes to win in the game.

So what should or could S.P.E.E.D. look like at your company?

Let’s look at an Example:

Company A desires to create massive momentum in the space, so not only do they have an operations team, because of the world we all live in today they hire a content team internally as well and set up a platform to make that work.

For Sharing:

They provide done-for-you content for the members to share, whether that is in the form of images, videos, or blog posts for their members. No need to have members ‘learn’ how to blog, just give them the content on a corporate platform and have them tap and share from their phones. Same with images and video content today.

For Presenting:

Create a compelling video that invites people to purchase your product and become apart of the experience, enjoying what your company has created.

Set this up in a way where the representatives can get a notification each time someone watches it, so no matter if you’re online or offline, the representative can still follow up with a personal touch.

For Enrolling:

Make it simple for representatives to present the business opportunity. For decades this has been broken in many companies sales processes.

Current webinar technology and conference call technology has not allowed the company or top leaders to track ‘who invited who’ so there is normally no real close or call to action at the end of a group closing presentation.

Prospects hear something like ‘get back with the person who invited you to enroll’ and that just plain does not convert.  This has all changed in recent years.

Today, companies like Naxum develop private label live stream channel’s online, so corporate leaders and to field champions can host company sponsored live streams on behalf of the entire company each week(or day) and actually close business.

These systems track ‘who invited who’ to the sessions and allow for the company to gather signups from all the low-hanging fruit. Of course, members still followup afterward, but the low hanging fruit has already joined the community!

For Elevating:

Have a basic certification program that every new representative can finish in their first hour of the business.

This may look like 30 minutes of videos broken up into 3-5 minute chunks with little homework assignments to accompany them.

Regardless, at the end of this training, expectations should be set, and every new representative will have taken a 5-10 question compliance quiz inviting them to build on the right path.

For Duplication:

Get involved! Not only will reports and followup tools allow the members to thrive, have the company host weekly inspirational live streams(this community is ALIVE) and regular fast-start training.

Make the field dependent on the company system and not an independent field leaders system. This way when a field leader leaves or decides to retire for a month of vacation, your business does not feel that impact.

Next Steps:

For more on real case studies of what adopting an S.P.E.E.D. process would look like, create a free demo account at and book a time to meet with our staff. We would be glad to serve you with a free discovery session of a relevant discussion of real tactics you can deploy to make your vision a reality today!

BEN DIXON Chief Executive Officer

Ben Dixon is the CEO of the referral marketing technology company and works with companies spanning the globe in mlm, direct sales, and affiliate marketing. For more information on Gamification and using real-time notifications to engage your affiliates in the sales process create your FREE NaXum account.

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